Mimi Box

This project is a coursework of sound design collaboration with product design students at UID. This course aims to explore various digital sounds of digital products.


Mimi Box is an interactive sound toy designed for children. It aims to foster sound exploration, enhance concentration on auditory stimuli, and stimulate creativity by connecting sound with visual patterns and artifacts.


Explore unique sounds in combination with patterns

Children are frequently immersed in smartphone and digital screen play, limiting their exposure to a more hands-on experience of sound. Our aim was to develop a sound toy that enables children to explore and engage with sound in a tactile and creative way, fostering thinking and hands-on interaction.


Would children be intrigued by this sound game?

We tested a graphical prototype with children aged 8 and 11 to evaluate how well they could understand the game. ‍It took time for children to learn and get used to the rules of the game. The higher the level, the more difficult it was. At the same time, when they got the right answer, they felt a sense of accomplishment and enjoyed it.

Children Show High Engagement and Concentration

The children demonstrated a high level of engagement and concentration,  while interacting with the early prototype.  It was evident that they felt a sense of accomplishment upon making successful matches, which motivated them to tackle more challenging levels.

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Design block having pattern and sound

Mimi Box consists of 7 basic sound boxes and 10 pitch boxes. Each sound box has its own unique sound that is linked to a specific pattern.

A quote

"Commodi quas consectetur repudiandae sequi consequatur eligendi architecto voluptate. Non voluptas voluptate ut rem harum molestiae aliquam quo. Quae sint adipisci odio. Animi nobis repellat et voluptatem. Maxime ex unde maxime deserunt mollitia."

Each pitch box has a different pitch. A sound box and a pitch box work as a set. Users, particularly children, can play with these sets attempting to match the correct sound box with its corresponding pitch box through playful interaction.

Each pitch box has a different pitch. A sound box and a pitch box work as a set. Users, particularly children, can play with these sets attempting to match the correct sound box with its corresponding pitch box through playful interaction.

More details

Nihil debitis aut molestias repudiandae modi ut atque quod. Deserunt inventore autem quia rerum non. Magnam a qui ut sit magni inventore dolor velit porro. Distinctio harum dicta ratione praesentium dolorem maiores exercitationem molestias. Atque corrupti eligendi nostrum expedita fugit aut corrupti neque enim.

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It was a meaningful project in terms of creating concepts, sound, gamification, design, and more. I believe it is a highly educational playful toy that provides a tangible experience while simultaneously offering children experiences in design and sound.

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